Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Telkom adsl speed upgrade

If your speeds have been upgraded , please report it here. Internet service providers that use IP Connect, the Openserve wholesale ADSL offering, would see an effective reduction in price. Its Openserve Fibre Broadband (OFB) access portfolio will also see price cuts, along with speed increases — 2Mbps lines will be upgraded to 4Mbps, and 8Mbps lines to . If anyone is able to, please call telkom when they open and inquire.

Link - Migration of DSL and Voice Services to the latest Multi Service Access Node.

Do you know what ADSL stands for?

Ok, technically it stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, but it might as well.

Network upgrades and maintenance. This upgrade will improve the quality . TechCentral can reveal that Telkom will, over the next days, double the speed of some lower-end DSL plans and offer free, unlimited on-network calls to all. From August, existing uncapped customers will automatically be upgraded to the new Unlimited Home plans at higher speeds,” Telkom said. In short: We want to upgrade our Telkom internet line from 2Mbps to 10Mbps. In this case, customers upgrade their ADSL Line Speed with Telkom from 4mbps to 10mbps, but forget to upgrade their ISP account from 4mb . We really are living in the DARK AGES ? Mbps download speed over my 10M fibre line.

What is the easiest way to see what speed my line is capable of OR whether it has been upgrade ? It will tell you what service you should be on. If for example it shows you are on 2Mb, but you are only synching at 1Mb then follow the OP . Telkom provides details about the ADSL speed upgrades which are starting this week. Connect all your employees to the safety of DSL. My internet connection seems slow. I have been on Telkom uncapped 4meg.

It was announced through Mybroadband that Telkom uncapped users would be migrated over to unlimited packages on 31st August, and that also users would be upgraded on their speed. Who qualifies for the speed upgrade ? The 2Mbps uncapped customers shall be upgraded to 4Mbps . There seems to be notices that ADSL line charges are to be dropped together with these upgrades , or perhaps in the near future. The simple answer is yes, Telkom Internet are only giving the free line speed upgrade to their uncapped and capped users.

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