Wednesday, 23 September 2015

4501 Datasheet

Complementary (N- and P-Channel) MOSFET. Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product. SPST), low- voltage, single-supply, CMOS analog switches.

Its high switching frequency (programmable up to. 2MHz) allows the use of tiny surface-mount external pas- sive components. Programmable soft-start eliminates high inrush current during .

Access all the advanced copying, printing, colour scanning and optional faxing functions from an easytouse widescreen, colour touchscreen.

When inserting the simplex latching connector.

High Power Switching Applications. Hammer Drive, Pulse Motor Drive and Inductive Load. Package with heat sink isolated to lead (SIP pin). SRAM 3KB (Replaceable Lithium battery for backup memory). V Rated for Low Voltage Gate Drive.

SOT−Surface Mount for Small Footprint. NVR Prefix for Automotive and . SRAM 1KB (Replaceable Lithium battery for backup memory). FLASH EPROM 1KB (Equivalent to 10steps). Common emitter configuration for SOT3types. Screenless Display – Interactive Display.

An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety- critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. The input offset voltage is µV typical and µV maximum. TPS7A45xx Low-Noise Fast-Transient -Response 1. A Low-Dropout Voltage Regulators.

The MTLx501- SR also provides relay alarm contacts to signal line-fault conditions. The MTLx501-SR is for use with approved fail-safe sensors in loops that require operation up to SIL3 . The sensor module is best in class for ease of installation, reliable operation, ease of use with .

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