Friday, 27 September 2019

Superfluid density

The superfluid density , ρs(T) ≡ λab(T). At low carrier concentration (i.e. the underdoped side), superfluid density and the carrier concentration in the normal state remain . Abstract: We point out that two different definitions of the superfluid density - through statistical response to static gauge phase and through dynamic response to altering gauge phase - yiel generally speaking, different quantities in. The physics leading to this difference is associated with the equilibrium . Abstract: We use scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to study magnetic Fe impurities intentionally doped into the high-temperature superconductor Bi Sr Ca CuO.

The effects of impurity scattering are treated within the self-consistent t-matrix approximation, in weak-coupling BCS theory.

The penetration depth is determined by the superfluid density , which is an important quantity that determines Tc in high-temperature superconductors.

Kim, Hyunsoo, Low temperature London penetration depth and superfluid density in Fe-based superconductors . A significant deviation between the two numbers starts at optimal doping and gradually increases with doping. The inverse of the penetration . Finite Temperature Non-Equilibrium. University of Illinois, Urbana.

Suppression of Superfluid Density and the Pseudogap State in the Cuprates by Impurities. Unurbat Erdenemunkh, Brian Koopman, Ling Fu, Kamalesh Chatterjee, W. Article has an altmetric score of 1. We review the concept of superfluidity an based on real and thought experiments, we use the formalism of second quantization to derive expressions that allow the calculation of the superfluid density for general Hamiltonians with path-integral methods. It is well known that the superfluid density can be . Within limits set by the transition width Delta T_c ~ 0. Abstract: The filled skutterudite superconductor PrPt4Gewas studied in muon- spin rotation (muSR), specific heat, and electrical resistivity experiments.

Here we report the way in which the magnetic penetration depth and the phase stiffness depend on . Subsequently, we investigate the superfluid density at finite temperature and its renormalization due to the proliferation of vortex-antivortex pairs. Superfluid density , free energy and specific heat are given in the form amenable for fitting the experimental data. The pairing potentials obtained from the fit of the superfluid density data in MgB crystal were used . We report the first direct measurements of superfluid density , ns(T) ∝ λ-2. T), in films of Fe- pnictide superconductors.

The magnetic penetration depth, λ(0), in our epitaxial, single-crystal. Ba(CoxFe1-x)2Asfilms near optimal doping (x=) is 3nm to 4nm, comparable to bulk single crystals. This reveals that gap anisotropy can explain such behavior, observed in several compounds, which was previously . Relations are derived between the superfluid density , the order parameter, and the specific heat singularity for superfluid helium near the lambda point.

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