Monday, 19 August 2019

Call point testing

Creighton Station Alarm System Test - Duration: 4:57. Unboxing and review of the Fire break glass Call point ! A short video of James showing how to test your call point. It is something that should be carried out weekly and as shown in the video, it takes less than 2. Carry out the weekly test as follows: 4.

In each weekly test , you should activate at least one fire alarm call - point and check that the alarm sounds and the panel receives the signal.

Try and carry out the test at the same time every week.

Ensure that if the fire alarm is connected to an ARC (Alarm Receiving Centre), you call the ARC and put the system on “ Test ”. This will be required to reset the manual call point after you have activated . Huge selection of fire alarm call point test keys. If you are still having problems, please call us and we will do our best to assist you. Our range of call point keys include units from the major call point manufacturers in the UK.

This selection includes keys from KAC, Fulleon, Rafiki, Fike, Gent, SMS , Notifier, Apollo and many more. Replacement KAC manual call point test keys are . Please identify the test key you require and. The replacement plastic key for the Ei4manual call point is used during device installation as well as during the testing procedure. Ideally to be installed with or near the manual call point the key allows for the Ei4to be reset after the system has been tested.

The replacement test keys suitable for testing , resetting and changing the element for the new style Apollo manual call points are supplied in packs of 10. Fire Safety Supplier KAC Call Point. KAC Spare Call Point Glass xby.

The Fire Alarm System can be activated in the following ways :~ 1. To test your Fire Alarm please take the following actions :~ 13. Notify your Customers and Staff of an imminent Alarm Test. Manual fire alarm activation requires human intervention, as distinct from automatic fire alarm activation . Insert the continuity links supplied with the backbox (Fig. 3) into the terminal blocks before testing.

After testing for continuity remove the con- nectors and store for re-use. Set the unit address on the DIL switch . The of the weekly test and the location of the manual call points used should be recorded in the site logbook . There will be break glass call points on the system as well, so the alarm can be set off manually as well as automatically. It is essential that the fire alarm and emergency lighting systems are maintained and tested.

In order to be able to say with any certainty that the fire alarm is operational, weekly and six monthly test and . New style Zeta call points have the key entry on the front face of the call point Price per key. Old Style Call Point Test Key KLAX-TK Fire alarm call point test key suitable for older Howler alarm call points and Klaxon Terrier alarms. KAC spare call point break glass test key.

The key fits both the old and new type KAC call points , the double end for the new style and the single end is for the old.

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