Friday, 9 November 2018

Lumiere durham 2013

The third Lumiere Durham light festival was attended by record crowds. Commissioned by Durham County Council, produced by Artichoke. Scenes of the fantastic Lumiere festival that took over Durham City in November, shot on the Friday 15th and Saturday 16th.

Originally created for the Fete des Lumières Lyon. For this playful installation, artists Benedetto Bufalino and Benoit Deseille .

Daan Roosegaarde is well known for his playful, interactive installations.

For Lumiere Durham, all installations are made as energy efficient as they can be.

They are interested in the environment and our impact on our surroundings. They have also shown work throughout Europe, Asia and South America. The Undertones were one of the most successful bands to ever come out of Derry. Cathedral itself and from one of the most richly-decorate and important books of all time, the Lindisfarne Gospels. He lives and works in London and in Plouër-sur-Rance, France.

More than 0school children learned how to make light bulbs out of plastic bottles, inspired by the work of the international MyShelter Foundation, which brings light to homes with no electricity. Find out about all the latest information regarding Artichoke and Lumiere – contact us now for press enquiries. The solar animation on the balloon was generated by live mathematical equations that simulated the turbulence, flares and sunspots that can be seen on the surface of the sun. Julian Opie will be among more than two dozen artists taking part.

The 3D elephant, which is the work of French design . Simple, bright and playful, CLOUD was an interactive sculpture built from 0incandescent light bulbs. These neon artworks brought the wisdom of the past to the present, shedding light once more on these forgotten texts. Consumerist Christmas Tree was presented in association with the Office for Cultural and Scientific Affairs of the Embassy of Spain in London and supported by Prince Bishops Shopping Centre. This humorous projection reminds us of how technology can de-humanise and takes the audience back . Find out more about volunteering at Lumiere on Wednesday 16th September, Durham Town Hall.

A beautiful projection that will transform Durham Castle to retell tales of local history, folklore and famous fables. Fire alchemists Compagnie Carabosse used scrap metal, charcoal, and even cast-off clothing to create this magical fire garden in and around Durham Cathedral. Plan your visit to Lumiere Durham with this accessibility information.

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