Monday, 15 October 2018

Helos sympatec

The open measuring zone, which can be varied in its width, supports the flexible adaptation of the optical measurement system to . In combination with the stationary CUVETTE it demonstrates its full strengths in wet measurements of small amounts of finely to coarsely dispersed samples with particle sizes in the range from 0. Typical applications involve substances that are very intricate to . Analysis volume: 2ml - 0ml. Various RODOS versions are available for combination with both HELOS laser diffraction and QICPIC image analysis.

The modularly interchangeable dosing systems VIBRI, ASPIROS and MULTISAMPLER are used for product-oriented particle supply.

The method of dry dispersing is successfully used with the proven .

The used cuvette type is automatically identified. Sympatec HELOS RODOS dry particle size analyzer. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available.

Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTMLvideo. Congresso Brasiliero de Cimento. HELOS and auto-RODOS module are the superior components for automatic . For many years, OPUS is successfully operating in crystallization, grinding and homogenization processes and proves its manifold performances. Future contacts may be associated with the offering of up-to-date instrument and company information or the invitation to events (e.g., exhibitions, seminars) which might be of professional interest.

Statistically significant analyses are achievable with sample volumes of up to 0ml, even with widely distributed particle systems. The accelerated individual particles are supplied to the HELOS laser diffraction or QICPIC image analysis . Silicon Carbide reference material . The sensor is the heart of the measuring system. Its optical bench defines the integration concept for optional changeable lenses, dispersers and dosing units. Please contact us if you have further questions. Particle size analysis with laser diffraction method.

Over the past years Laser Diffraction has developed into the leading principle for particle size analysis of all kinds of powders, suspensions, emulsions, aerosols and sprays in laboratory and process environments. The diffraction of the laser light from the . In contrast, image analysis captures the physical properties of each single particle. Let us help you to become an expert in particle measurement technology.

We pick you up at your current level of knowledge and explain the topics important to you . A constant sample mass-flow is of decisive importance for powerful dry dispersing. VIBRI will be used with different HELOS dispersing . A great variety of dispersing and dosing units . VMD = 2µm x= 1µm x= 3µm x= 5µm.

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