Friday, 17 August 2018

Ingaas detector array

Near infrared detectors with low noise and superb frequency characteristics. Rectangular pixels give best sensitivity. Powerful IR arrays were developed for applications in NIR spectroscopy.

Filter By: Cutoff WavelengthAll. Princeton Infrared Technologies, Inc.

Si CMOS technology with state of the art III-V technology to provide Short wave infrared (SWIR) products that lead the industry.

Spectroscopy applications up to 1.

Indeed dark current will improve moderately below . InGaAs Linear Photodiode Array. Jeffrey Barton, Robert Cannata, Susan Petronio. Two models are available with spectral coverage from 8nm up to 2. PyLoN-IR is responsive in UV and visible with high sensitivity from 8nm to 1. The HP series is available with standard and extended spectral range sensors. PIRT is also looking at other material structures for detection that can increase performance or lower cost but these are still in research and development. Our in-house indium gallium arsenide III-V foundry features Class 1clean . The tight connection and closeness between sensor and ROICs combines the advantages of the two technologies.

Our Sol series of near- infrared (NIR) spectrometers feature the highest quality NIR array detectors available on the market. ROIC) array must both be low noise. GCS offer its own brand of high performance and high speed Known Good Die ( KGD) PIN photodetectors and Photodetector Arrays , manufactured from both GaAs and InP.

High-speed response, high sensitivity, low dark current. Available various types of photosensitive areas, arrays . Multiple full well capacities from 75ke- to 100Me- with 128steps are available to optimize the array for the signal levels. On chip optical pixel binning (where every other detector is disconnected from the ROIC thus signal is captured by neighboring pixels) is available by command to trade spectral resolution for increased . The sensors come in an hermetically sealed package . IR Detector from New England Photoconductor.

If you are in need of an infrared detector , contact us today. Visit our site for more information on our IR ( Infrared ) detectors , or to contact . Founded as Germanium Power Devices Corp.

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