Thursday, 7 June 2018

Ume tubitak

Announcing Joint Training Initiative between TÜBİTAK UME and the BIPM. Applications are being accepted for BIPM - TÜBİTAK UME project placements, a joint training initiative aimed at young metrologists from emerging NMIs and DIs . SI units which are then disseminated to the spheres of industry, science and research. The main activities of the Vacuum Laboratory are conducted in four working areas: MSSE(Multi-Stage Static Expansion System) as . The Pressure Laboratories maintain capabilities for the measurement of quantities for which Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) declarations .

The work areas and the services provided by the Mass Laboratory are summarized as below.

The realization, maintenance and dissemination of the SI base unit .

Ferhat SAMETOĞLU (Head of Laboratory). Murat KALEMCİ (Head of Laboratory). Electromagnetic Compatibility ( EMC) . The institute possess primary level laboratories with large variety of measurement instruments and highly specialised state of the art equipment.

TÜBİTAK SAGE SOM Stand-off Mühimmat Seyir Füzesi - Turkish Cruise Missile SOM - Duration: 1:31. Orkun HASEKİOĞLU is in charge of Space Tech . The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey ( TÜBİTAK ) is the leading agency for management, funding and conduct of research in Turkey. National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM) . Otherwise, the fellow relinquishes the fellowship and cannot claim any rights. Continuation of the fellowship is fully dependent on the approval of the . TÜBITAK-Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü (UME), P. Kocaeli – TURKEY, e-mail: farhad. Luminous flux calibration facility with an integrating sphere has . The marker itself has been developed by TUBITAK UME.

Smart cards running the smart card operating system AKIS have been started to be used for e-signature purposes. Saint Gobain Glass chose the stress and thickness control products of TUBITAK UEKAE for its glass manufacturing factories all around the world. The Fluid Flow Laboratories consist of three divisions: the Water Flow, Gas Flow and Air Speed Laboratories. The services provided by the laboratories and work . Upon the conclusion of studies conducted under the “Medical Metrology Feasibility” Project, the Medical Metrology Laboratory of TUBITAK UME was formally . The TÜBİTAK UME High Voltage Laboratory has the capability to perform all AC, DC and Impulse high voltage measurement system calibrations in the . Mine BİLSEL (Head of Laboratory).

Sc degrees from Fateh University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry. The research is mainly on: Development of primary .

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