Friday, 1 June 2018

Specification of photodiode

The spectral response range of incident light the photodiode detects is also called wavelength range. Important active area specifications to consider include active area diameter or length and active area height. If the active area is circle shape specify the diameter, otherwise specify the length of the active area. This Photo Diode is highly acknowledged for its technical accuracy and is extensively utilized in electronic industries.

It is sensitive to visible and near infrared radiation.

BPW34S is packed in tubes, specifications like BPW34.

Photodetectors last for an indefinite period of time when used properly and within the specified specifications.

Silicon photodiodes are semiconductor devices responsive to high- energy particles and photons. Due to its water clear epoxy the device is sensitive to visible and infrared radiation. Photodiode Characteristics and Applications. Light striking the crystal lattice can release holes and electrons which are drawn away out of the depletion region by the reverse bias on the diode.

Spectral response range, 3to 7nm. Peak sensitivity wavelength (typ.) 5nm. Response speed and frequency response. This tab also outlines the theory and methods we use to define the specifications of our photodiodes.

With zero bias (Photovoltaic Mode), the NEP is . Lead forming should be done before soldering. Avoid stressing the LED package during leads forming. NIST traceable calibration with better uncertainty than competition. Improved mm clear aperture attenuator design. Uniformity specification applies to photodiode only.

Our biased photodetectors are compatible with our benchtop . Specifications subject to change without notice. The detector is an un-housed ceramic wafer . Due to its black epoxy the device is. Kodenshi can develop photo-diode detecting area with your specification. The graphs shown in this datasheet are representing typical data . TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.

Package category, With BNC connector.

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