Monday, 18 June 2018

Light baffle design

Straight shots ” mainly in reflective systems. Ghosting in refractive optics and windows. Multiple scatter stray light due to non-optimal baffle design. Nowadays, as the development of the level of the land observation technology constantly improve the demanded of the image quality are increasing rise.

There are so many possibility factors which may influences of the image quality, especially in the inferred optical system, the main reason of them is stray light.

Instituto de Física de São Carlos – IFSC- USP.

Main Challenges: – Faint Detection Capability ⇒ High Stray- Light Rejection Requirements.

A straightforward graphical procedure for the design of light baffles for cassegrainian optical systems has been developed. Large Spectral Range for HI-2 . The problem of the optimum design of . Optical systems which have stringent reouirements on stray light levels often need optical baffles. Some basic design principles and goals for baffles are Presented. Four generic optical designs and their advantages for stray light control are discussed: all reflective and all refractive reimaging and nonreimaging systems.

In other words, if part of the baffle design is reflect light back out of the system instead of absorb it with black coatings, then specular reflection (glossy) coating is called for. If the only way for the light to reflect is more towards the sensors, then lambertian. The location of the spacecraft in low earth orbit is the driving parameter for the design of the baffling system.

A first design of the telescope, including the baffle , . Circular cylinder—Kármán vortex street. Design and test about the stray light control equipments. The baffle system so designed not only blocks the direct rays of stray light . Specifically, the sensor on that system had to detect stars of magnitude 4. Because the baffling requirements.

Optical instruments for remote sensing applications frequently require measures for reducing the amount of external, unwanted stray light in the optical instrument path. To reach the stringent stray- light attenuation requirements, the OMC is equipped with an optical. Stray light is any unwanted light in an optical system. Other effects like narcissus in infrared systems.

Humidity Resistance (RH ), 90 . Earth and moon (spaceborne optical systems). The light baffle was installed one year after first light to reduce the stray light contamination. The pinhole mask was designed to obtain two non-overlapping images of an image hole per CCD.

Measurements of stray light suppression with mirrors, lenses, and baffle systems from four zodiacal light and one noctilucent. Recessed light baffle trims are commonly used in homes and offices, where their anti-glare properties can . TracePro is used across many industries for opto-mechanical design and analysis. This document presents the preliminary baffle layout designed for the Three Mirrors Anastigmatic (TMA) telescope developed for the Proba-V mission. This baffling is used to avoid 1st order stray light i. The stray light from the SWIR folding mirror is also .

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