Friday, 18 May 2018

Union technology corp

Thank you for your interest in Union . If your state has no representative, please . Proven in the assembly line and certified by major EMS providers, TUC base materials have low CTE, excellent dimensional stability, and are CAF resistant and cost . Union Technology Corp Salaries trends. Environmental friendly materials for lead-free processing compatible - High thermal reliability and low z-axis thermal expansion - For mobile communications,servers, base stations and office routers applications - No-flow and mid-flow Prepreg for rigid-flex and IC Substrate ( Cavities) applications.

Lt mainly produced optical glass.

TU- 862S Hi-Tg halogen free Mid-loss material is made of high performance epoxy resin and regular woven E-glass fabric, designed with lower dielectric constant and dissipation factor for high speed mid-loss multilayer circuit server board .

Compact Stacked MLCC solution for the demands required for commercial and industrial switching power supplies . Unlike conventional FR-materials where brominated resin is uses . TUC provides quick global response and short lead. Non Cataloged standard Products. E-glass coated with the epoxy resin system, which provides the laminates UV-block characteristic, and compatibility with automated optical inspection (AOI) process. TUC uses cutting edge equipment to provide mass lamination service to global PCB manufacturers – from image transfer to automatic build-up to optical inspection. High Tg Halogen Free No-flow Prepreg Prepreg: TU-84P NF.

TU-84P NF no-flow, halogen-free prepreg consist of optimal resin flow specially formulated for unique purpose bonding application. TU-862T Hi- Tg halogen free materials are made of High Tg epoxy resin and E-glass fabric. TU-8Tg2material is made of epoxy resin and E-glass fabric.

PDF Icon Download our Hi-Rel Switchmode . High Performance Materials with Traditional FR-Processability. Hi-Tg Halogen free Low Loss laminate and prepreg. This material is reinforced with low Dk woven glass fabric and designed with very low dielectric constant and . Copper Clad Laminate (also called CCL) and prepreg are key materials for making printed circuit boards. We are also the master distributor of Print-Rite imaging products for export markets.

TUC team consists of experienced professionals with strong background in both PCB and CCL industries to provide timely service and total solutions for PCB manufacturers worldwide. These products are suitable for boards that need to survive severe thermal cycles, or to experience . The headquarters is located at Jhubei, Hsinchu County, Taiwan. MLC ) products used by electronic manufacturers.

MLC) products used by electronic manufacturers. Effectively operating for years, FLEX has not only stood the test of time but has emerged as an industry leader.

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