Monday, 16 April 2018

Fiber channel analyzer

Xgig 16G Fibre Channel Analyzer VIAVI Xgig Fibre Channel (FC) products provide best-of-class protocol testing tools specifically for high-speed storage and networking applications. With its wide range of capabilities, including intelligent triggering, automated capture, and Xgig Expert analysis, troubleshooting time is . A key aspect of verifying the reliability of Fibre Channel equipment is to stress- test the network with traffic at and above the maximum legal data rate. Fibre Channel continues to evolve as the preferred communications standard for mission critical and time sensitive Storage Area Network (SAN) applications. Fibre Channel supplies over of the datacenter and enterprise interconnections where lossless delivery of data is required and will be used for .

The hardware supports fibre channel analysis, fibre channel traffic generation, statistics, impairment testing, and BERT for both copper and optical interface connections.

One field-optimize powerful test solution.

Has anyone used one or recommend one ? Can Wireshark capture and decode fiber channel. Due to its stringent performance requirements, Fibre Channel requires extensive testing during manufacturing and deployment to ensure desired service levels can be attained. The Xgig platform consists of multiple options for chassis, blade, and software configuration so users can . Xgig helps storage equipment manufacturers, field service engineers, and data center IT . Our proprietary low angle shift (LAS) technology enables . The FC analyzer examines packets to and from the entities that the switch provides. If you cannot find the right fibre channel test equipment for hire, rent, or lease, in the list below, then contact us with your requirements and one of our engineers will help you find the best cost effective solution.

The increasing use of networks by cloud services to access data stored in data centers is generating increased demand for Fibre Channel tests. Mbps to 1Gbps All-in-one Transport Tester. Extensive Xgig capabilities and flexibility provide unmatched network visibility to more easily identify and resolve problems , accelerate new product design, and speed time-to-market. To ensure error recovery mechanisms are reliable and accurately implemente developers must test every possible condition to verify that equipment responds as expected.

Channel Load Tester eliminates the need for creating complex test setups comprised of multiple servers and storage arrays by enabling users to construct . The SierraNet M4supports Ethernet protocol analysis and error injection . The Teledyne LeCroy Analysis Software (CATC Trace viewer) may be downloaded and installed free of charge. The analysis software allows users to open previously saved trace files. Traffic through any Fibre Channel interface can be . The same software can also be used to update the Teledyne LeCroy protocol analyzer hardware.

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