Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Hall coefficient

The Hall coefficient is defined as the ratio of the induced electric field to the product of the current density and the applied magnetic field. The term in parenthesis is known as the Hall coefficient : RH = nq. It is positive if the charge carriers are positive, and negative if the charge carriers are negative.

In practice, the polarity of VH determines the sign of the charge carriers. To calculate the Hall coefficient and the carrier concentration of the sample material.

Apparatus: Two solenoids, Constant current supply, Four probe, Digital gauss meter, Hall effect apparatus (which consist of Constant Current Generator (CCG), .

Clevite Research Center, Cleveland Ohio.

Room temperature Hall coefficient and resistivity for selected chemical elements. It is of importance to generalize these approaches to the probleiri of electron transport in magnetic fields. One of the interesting quantities is the Hall coefficient R. Coefficient (or Constant) RH is officially defined as this proportionality constant: JBR.

The Drude model thus predicts nq. Hall voltages was measured for varying magnetic and electric fields. The implementation of the van der Pauw (VDP) technique for combined high temperature measurement of the electrical resistivity and Hall coefficient is described.

The VDP method is convenient for use since it accepts sample geometries compatible with other measurements. The technique is simple to use and can be . Dependence of the Hall coefficient on magnetic field. Department of Theoretical Physics,. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,.

Abstract: Although the Hall coefficient R_H is an informative transport property of metals and semiconductors, its meaning in the cuprate superconductors has been ambiguous because of its unusual characteristics. Two regimes in conductivity and the Hall coefficient of underdoped cuprates in strong magnetic fields. The resistivity decreased linearly with decreasing temperature from 300°K to 125°K and was very nearly constant below 30°K.

Русский ru 中文 ru 日本語 ru Português ru Español ru Français ru Deutsch About Editorial Board Contact Us Subscription Policy Begell House. The van der Pauw geometry has been widely used for the measurement of resistivities and Hall coefficients. Institut fur Metallphysik der Universitat Oottingen, Sonderforschungsbereieh 126. The Hall coefficient RH of Ge specimens . Hall Coefficient and Resistivity of Sb.

Measurements were performed at temperatures below 4. K using the helicon-wave technique.

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