Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Applications of holography ppt

The various applications of holograms in different fields. The technique of holography can also be used to optically store, retrieve, and process information. To retain phase information we must encode complex distribution as intensity pattern.

Encode by adding reference beaObject. Scattered from object rexp ıκxsinθ !

The holographic storage provide high data density.

Digital holography is an emerging field of new paradigm in general imaging appli- cations.

First, the basic from the general theory of holography , . Modified Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm. Integral computer- generated hologram. DHM phase shift image of human red blood cells. The first mentioned type of digital holography finds applications in digital holographic microscopy, particle analysis, and interferometric form and deformation measurement, while the second type constitutes the basis for holographic 3D TV. The space-bandwidth-problem occuring in this context is addressed and first partial . Surface contouring by phase-shifting digital holography is proposed and verified by experiments and numerical simulations.

APPLICATIONS MARKETING : It is used in advertisements to attract potential buyers EDUCATION ENTERTAINMENT : It is used in fiction movies like Star-trek, Star wars, Dhoom2. An overview of the numerous uses (present and future) of holograms in medicine, including endoscopy, tomography, opthamalogy, dentistry, otology, orthopedics. An improved achromatic holographic waveguide display system with high efficiency is propose which is composed of an in-coupled planar hologram and an outcoupled volume hologram. The efficiency is improve compared with the previous system proposed by Shi et al. In the process of reconstructing original images, laser light was used to illuminate the holograms of reduced size and reconstruction was made.

The technique to optically store. This enables fundamental research to be carried out in the design and synthesis of organic materials for the next generation of photonic and electronic applications. Adaptive phase modulation devices.

CMMPE is developing new adaptive devices that dynamically manipulate of the phase of light, often using liquid crystals. Hologram Industries presentation. While standard photography records color and intensity information, a hologram encodes phase and intensity.

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