Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Application of laser in metrology

Among thousands of various applications laser dimensional measurement is one of the best known. In the laboratories of ISI the first Czech He-Ne laser was built only three years after its world premiere and its design has been gradually developed for the needs of Czech metrology. This long history has produced our . Metrology Lasers are widely used in optical metrology , e. Laser scanners are based on collimated laser beams, which can read e.

The application of laser metrology and resonant optical cavity techniques to the measurement of G.

Wei-Tou Ni†, Der-Kuang Liu†‡, Tai-Tung Liu†, Hsien-Hao Mei†,.

Sheau-shi Pan§, Chin-Poh Pang† and Hsien-Chi Yeh§. Centre for Gravitation and Cosmology, Department of Physics,. National Tsing Hua University, . The technique yields information about sound veloci- ties, modulus of elasticity, film thick- nesses, interface . Design principles of laser tube cavity length control, frequency stability . This paper will discuss its theory of operation, associated uncertainties, as well as justification to procure such an instrument. The use of lasers in metrology includes the precise measurement of distance, velocity, acceleration, torque, strain, surface finish, and shape.

Since early times, the principles of optical metrology have been based on ingenious use of various physical parameters that characterize light, such as amplitude, phase, optical frequency, . The laser sources shown in Fig. The form and shape of the beams reflect the broad va- riety of their application. Even within the basic groupings of laser line, laser spot or pattern, there are variants that differ widely . High power lasers capable of continuous output powers ranging from hundreds of watts to tens-of-thousands of watts present exciting opportunities for rapi. Modern measurement systems allow reduced measurement errors and thus clearly useful due to constant conditions. Interferometry is an important investigative technique in the fields of astronomy, fiber optics, engineering metrology , optical metrology , oceanography, seismology , spectroscopy (and its applications to chemistry), quantum mechanics, nuclear and particle physics, plasma physics, remote sensing, biomolecular interactions, . Optical metrology is the science and technology of performing measurements with light.

In many cases, extremely high precision is achieved. This article is focused on optical frequency metrology , even though the connection from optical to microwave frequencies is also of central importance. For the highest precision, it is not sufficient to measure a . Precision spectroscopy (e.g for astronomy).

Applications in: Precision optical metrology. These Laser Trackers set the standard in workflow productivity management for large-scale metrology applications by offering mobile device . The measuring capacity in interferometers with lamp as source of light is limited because it is not possible to maintain the sharpness of interference fringes beyond certain distance due to the size of the lamp. Hinds Instruments metrology measurement characterizes polarizing features in manufactured optical components such as laser crystals and fiber optics.

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