Thursday, 8 February 2018

Air liquide argentina

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From independent craftsmen to large industrial companies, we offer to our customers solutions adapted to every stage of the production process: industrial and specialty gases, application technologies, welding and safety equipment, and related services.

Current Share Price December 17:35.

Air Liquide outperforms the CAC over the long term.

Food manufacturers are faced with significant challenges. Secon they are under pressure to satisfy the demands of increasingly urban consumers, providing ready-to-eat and wholesome products with fewer chemical additives and . By designing the infinitely small, we enable our customers to think amazingly big. Through our Hospital care activity, we supply healthcare professionals with treatments and solutions that contribute to our mission of protecting vulnerable lives. We constantly invent and develop solutions for healthcare institutions.

We employ around 2people based in more than districts and serve more than of the Brazilian States. The Foundation has been supporting research programs on the environment and healthcare, and has been contributing to local development by encouraging micro-initiatives in the . This new visual identity, which . Safety Data Sheets (SDS) include information on product ingredients, physical and chemical properties, potential effects on toxicology and ecology, identification of hazards, handling and storage instructions, as well as personnel protection recommendations and information related to transportation requirements, first-aid . French multinational company which supplies industrial gases and services to various industries including medical, chemical and electronic manufacturers. You can contact us by using our dedicated forms, or consult our addresses worldwide. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy.

Effective and transparent governance principles ensure the confidence of our stakeholders in the company supervision, management and operations. The Group has already deployed its digital tools for predictive maintenance at production sites around the world (China, Japan, Singapore, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Mexico, Argentina , the United States, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc.). It also supplies medical gases through a . Day after day, innovation after innovation, we have grown continuously to conquer new markets.

Retrace the milestones of our long history here. Our UK projects enact the Group . Everywhere, we always make sure that our solutions are safe, reliable, cost-effective and sustainable.

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