Thursday, 9 November 2017


Ponerization is the influence of pathological people on individuals and groups whereby they develop acceptance of pathological reasoning and values. Flagrant examples of such ponerization can be found in the press of oppressor countries justifying their exploitation of others. In Germany in the 30s, the Reich proclaimed the faith of the unification of the German people.

Now the Americans speak of bringing freedom to Iraq. This is an extraordinary book .

The most glaring example of ponerization is the complete takeover of the Left by the infamous and incorrigible psychopath George Soros.

PONERIZED or Ponerated means that one can no longer make the distinction between healthy and pathological thought processes and logic.

Major subdivisions of the study are the nature of evil, the origin of evil, and evil in relation to the Divine Government. Karl Immanuel Nitzsch outlined his System der christlichen Lehre (System of Christian Doctrine) into three major rubrics: Agathology, . Communicability or Ponerization Immunization RESOURCES. INTRODUCTION “ Experience has taught the author that evil is similar to disease in nature, although possibly more complex and elusive to our understanding.

Its genesis reveals many factors, pathological, especially psychopathological, in character, whose . Political Ponerology is fascinating, essential reading. How can we treat our sick culture and make ourselves well? Our descent into the Age of Depression seems unstoppable.

Recall here that the power of the paranoid characteropath lies in that they easily enslave less critical minds. It means that the person or group can no longer make the . I cannot judge the biological aspects of the tyrannical few who rule political and economic elites in the modern . ON EVIL: BATTLING MISCONCEPTIONS A. Psychopathy: The Cause of Evil B. BRAIN TISSUE LESIONS AND ACQUIRED DEVIATIONS A. The norms of behaviour shift accordingly. Yes, the ponerization of the masses of normal people. Anyone who, on hearing that statement, was not outraged has been infected with pathological thinking, they have been ponerized.

Their thinking has become distorted by the pathological infection. SC: Are the absence of conscience and insensitivity to suffering what distinguishes psychopaths from normal .

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