Thursday, 3 August 2017

Prolyte h30v

Equipped with the CCSconical coupling system, the Htruss is fast and easy to assemble. The Htruss can be found in rental fleets all over the . The Verto Htruss can be found in rental fleets all over . The Hseries has been designed as lightweight, light to medium duty truss systems, that are used in the installation, rental and exhibition market. This truss is strong, compact and very versatile.

Assembly is foolproof due to the continuous webbing of the diagonals.

Brochures, manuals, symbols, certificates and much more, presented for your convenience.

The standard corners offer optimum flexibility to complete your system to adapt . From the first batch of truss we bought, . Htruss circles are very measure steady and can be combined with any length or corner. Traversen der Serie Hwerden . Included in the vast product portfolio that A. This system has great advantages over existing systems. The name Verto is derived from Latin, meaning to turn or to turn around and that is exactly how this coupler works.

Boxcorner attachment, pre- assembled couplers. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 30V BOX CORNERS. A simple flick of your wrist will connect the truss sections. Its structure resembles that of the standard H30V truss.

The Hoffers extra strength, next to its flexible application possibilities and is the ideal solution for the event or exhibition market. H40V-L100-SQUARE LENGTH 1CM. Once the correct angle is determine the book corner can be fixed by using the fixing arm.

H30V -L100-SQUARE LENGTH 1CM. Book corners are not designed as load bearing . Available for delivery in London and across the UK. Collection available from Peterborough.

We Hire and Sell Equipment as well as supply many services from Design to Repairs.

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