Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Generator short circuit test

The open circuit test is carried out with the terminals of the machine disconnected from any external circuit. The most commonly used machine for generation of electrical power for commercial purpose is the synchronous generator or alternator. The terminal voltage of an alternator changes . Large generators are assembled on site.

There is no factory test before they are shippe so they have to be tested in place before they are put in service.

One such test is the short circuit test.

Open- circuit saturation with slip rings.

Zero power factor saturation curve. Synchronous impedance curve ( short - circuit saturation). Summation of losses ( efficiency test ). Direct axis synchronous reactance (XD).

Negative-sequence reactance (X2). LECTURE ON PURPOSE OF DROOP IN GOVERNORS - Duration: 22:18. This was the highest voltage generator transformer ever to have undergone and passed such rigorous testing. The company considers this as part of its objective to make power . Since, in the linear region, most of the applied mmf is consumed by the air-gap, the straight line is appropriately called the air-gap line.

The short - circuit test provides information . Brought to you by the Course Master at. Transformer Testing - Short circuit or Full Load Test of Transformer - Duration: 3: 31. This is the demo video of Open Circuit Test and Short Circuit test on Alternator. The test is conducted on the high-voltage (HV) side of the transformer where the low-voltage (LV) . If we short circuit the terminals right away for the SC test , this residual flux may be very large and cause great amount of current to flow through the short circuit , and this might be very dangerous. Essentially, the OCT and SCT is used to determine the synchronous reactance of the generator.

However, these large short - circuit currents drop off rapidly to safe values if the short - circuit is maintained. Sudden three phase short circuit test Table of Content: Objective. To compare test and calculated , a method was proposed for short - circuit phase . During the measurements of open- circuit curve points coordinates (o.c.c.) the speed of the tested machine should be kept constant: n=nN. Local hysteresis loops cannot .

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