Friday, 19 May 2017

Spatial dispersion

An effective medium model is proposed to derive the nonlocal effective permittivity tensor, which exhibits drastic variations in the wave vector domain. Strong spatial dispersion is found in the frequency range where . In this work, we put forward and illustrate the notion of an inhomogeneous effective medium model. The feature of spatial dispersion in periodic layered metamaterials is theoretically investigated. We use it to explore the spatial dispersion in negative- index composites, and we show that it is an ideal tool for studying the behavior of composite metamaterials in the intermediate-frequency region where .

We investigate the influence of spatial dispersion on atom-surface quantum friction.

In contrast to frequency dispersion, namely, the frequency dependence .

Several coefficients have been developed in the past to quantify the possible . The article demonstrates uncommon manifestation of spatial dispersion in low refractive index contrast 3D periodic dielectric composites with periods of about one tenth of the wavelength. First principles simulations by the well established plane wave method reveal that spatial dispersion leads to appearance of additional . Spatial dispersion of multilayer fishnet metamaterials. Powell, Alexander Minovich, Dragomir N. The first result has bearing on the dispersion of surface modes, like surface plasmons, and the second result on the van der Waals and Casimir . The spatial dispersion (i.e., nonlocal dielectric behavior) effect . It is found that there exist composite media that exhibit strong spatial dispersion even in the very large wavelength limit. This follows from the study of lattices of ideally conducting parallel thin wires (wire media). Impact of spatial dispersion , evolution, and selection on Ebola Zaire Virus epidemic waves.

Azarian T(1), Lo Presti A(2), Giovanetti M(2), Cella E(2), Rife B(3), Lai A(4), Zehender G(4), Ciccozzi M(5), Salemi M(6). DESERT SHRUB (CHRYSOTHAMNUS NAUSEOSUS: ASTERACEAE). CRYSTAL OPTICS WITH ALLOWANCE FOR. View the article online for updates and enhancements.

Abstract: Local constitutive relations, i. Furthermore, it is shown that by crossing the inverse prism . Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit. Institute for the Study of Labor. Ethnic Spatial Dispersion and Immigrant Identity. The wire medium consisting of an array of parallel thin metallic wires was previously studied by using an effective medium with spatial dispersion.

We analyze the spectrum of waveguide modes of an arbitrary uniaxial anisotropic metamaterial slab with nonlocal electromagnetic response whose permittivity tensor could be described within the Drude approximation. Theoretical and Experimental Effects of Spatial Dispersion on the. Optical Properties of Crystals.

Departmettt of Physics, Urtioersity ofCaliforlia, Berkeley, California. The classical dielectric theory of .

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