Monday, 29 May 2017

Slough and eton school ofsted

They are immensely proud of their multicultural community and are respectful and courteous towards each other and towards their teachers and other adults. This contributes to the purposeful, calm and harmonious atmosphere in lessons and around the school. Overall effectiveness Outstanding.

Go to Parent View to see what parents and . Previous inspection: Not previously inspected.

Business and Enterprise College.

Most students are from minority ethnic backgrounds.

Since the Ofsted report, the school has been described as outstanding. A state school for boys and girls aged from to 18. We will use the application form to help to decide your suitability for the post so please make sure that it is legible, accurate and completed in all sections. Enquiries should be sent for the attention of Mrs Palmer. Religious Denomination: Church of England.

Admissions Policy: Non- selective. It is an exciting, vibrant and rewarding place where everyone can experience the enjoyment of learning. Individual learning and personal attention are our strengths. Visitors were astounded by the enthusiasm for learning, maturity and . It is unlikely the free school will have any effect on its long term viability.

No Ofsted grade too early to assess. The Christian ethos permeates across all our work and we celebrate unity in diversity. Support currently available to pupils attending. School Day is Monday to Friday.

Cippenham area of the town of Slough in the English county of Berkshire. Please click on the links at the side of this page to find out more information about our school. Eton College is our sole educational sponsor and therefore brings its educational and pastoral expertise to Holyport College.

Trust: The Learning Alliance Academy Trust.

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