Thursday, 9 February 2017

James elliman slough

James Elliman Academy Principal: Saira Rasheed Peter Dollimore (Chair of the Academy Council). He can be contacted via the postal address . The Independant Chair from the Board of Directors. The Local Authority will administer the . ENGLISH - READING, School Result.

Percentage achieving the expected standard or above, .

Reception children will be the first year group in the new colour.

Please click on the Parent View logo below and complete the quick and . Friday: Maths Homework to be returned the following Monday. Y Monday: Maths Homework due in . KSClubs list as follows: Maths Club. In the image just below this text you can see the type of font that we use at James Elliman. Curriculum - Examples of Good Work.

Just click on the thumbnails to expand to full size. To comply with government requirements all maintained schools must publish specific statutory information on its website, our website contains . Pupil Premium Funding is in addition to the main school funding from the government. It is allocated to address the current underlying . Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report.

We wish for every pupil to aim for 1 attendance. To move through the album just click on each photograph. Our rules for using the school computers and internet.

We use the school computers and Internet connection for learning. These rules will help us to be . Address: Elliman Avenue, SLOUGH ,. To view the photographs just click on. You may also be interested in the Saturday Clinic which takes place at . The work at James Elliman involved an extension to the dining . Summer Holiday from Wednesday, July 25th to Sunday, September 2nd.

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