Monday, 9 January 2017

Floor slip resistance testing

This technical information sheet looks at test methods for assessing floor resistance and describes the tests HSE and HSL use in more detail. To prevent slips, you need to understand the level of slip resistance your floors may provide. HSE and the Health and Safety Laboratory ( HSL) use in more detail.

It is aimed at employers who need to perform accurate measurements of floor slipperiness, such as manufacturers and research and testing bodies. It will also help employers and other dutyholders assess slip risks in.

Check out the criteria and various test methods here.

FloorSlip can put you in touch with companies that it is guaranteed they can supply non-slip floor products that we have tested and passed as PTV Safe - i.

Find out more about the various ways of testing the slip resistant properties of safety flooring and what the actually mean. Floor Slip Testing , Pendulum Test and Floor Surface Roughness Tests for businesses and lawyers - avoid Slip Injury Claims. Surface Roughness Floor Tests ( Slip Resistance Tests ) to determine ability to prevent floor slips – use in conjunction with Pendulum Tests. Filmed at Wolverhampton Civic Hall using Granwax Clearsafe.

A visual display tells you how slippery the floor is and an easy reference graph correlates the reading to the Pendulum with green, amber, red categories for low, medium and high risk of slip. Who Needs To Organise Regular Slip Tests ? Anyone Responsible For The Following! Shopping Centres ~ Retail Outlets ~ Pedestrianised Areas ~ Car . We have the ability to respond around the clock and regularly mobilise at short notice to meet the needs of our customers. For vehicular traffic the term skid resistance is used.

Floor slip resistance tests , slip test, anti slip floor treatments, Pendulum Slip Resistance Tester in London and Hertfordshire. There is an ever increasing range of . Floor Surface roughness resistance tests , Pendulum Tests and Risk Assessment Analysis are all necessary for floor safety. Tortus floor slip tester for resistance testing.

Non HSE Approved resistance test. Floorslip and HSE advise uisng the Pendulum Test. It is intended for organisations which need to perform accurate measurements of floor slipperiness, such as manufacturers and research and testing bodies.

Testing more square footage for more customers than any other company, SlipTest are specialists in floor slip testing and pendulum slip testing. SlipAlert measures slip resistance of floors quickly and accurately. Our independent slip testing is the cheapest and the best in the UK.

We measure with SlipAlert and provide equivalent Pendulum Test Values and cofficient of friction measures. Information on the Slip Resistance of Tiles. Effective and suitable slip resistant characteristics will reduce the likelihood of slipping, particularly for older , mobility impaired and visually impaired people. Slip resistant floor tile finishes are .

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