Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Controls test equipment

CONTROLS is the global leader in the production of Testing Equipment for the construction industry with more than 4. Controls is specialized in soil mechanics testing equipment. Enter now and see all the products! NEW TESTING EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES - World Highways . In particular, the High capacity steel tensile testers have been specifically designed to test reinforcing bars.

The front loading of specimens, the hydraulic gripping system, the remote control and the fully automatic test sequence make these .

The complete test cycle is automatically performed by simply pressing the start button.

Correct test execution conforming to the reference Standard is continuously and automatically controlled. Global expertise in the design, manufacture and supply of civil engineering materials testing. Introducing the NEW ADR Touch Control Pro.

For relatively coarse grained soils such as sands and gravel . Large touchscreen display for viewing . Easy verification of compliance to standards: weight distribution, dimensions etc. Web: Service: Supplier of Geotechnical Laboratory testing equipments . This apparatus is used for the examination of cut-back asphaltic materials by the distillation test. Especially designed for soil, aggregates and asphalt testing , these advanced models feature all stainless steel internal and external lining, with mm thick insulation, fast heat up, , easy to read digital control and forced convection airflow for uniform temperature throughout the oven chamber.

Wizar Semi-Automatic power and control system. Pilot, Automatic power and control system. Dual stage pump, centrifugal for fast approach and multi-piston for loading, DC motor, ES Energy Saving technology to reduce the power consumption and ensure silent operation. For detailed information see Additional information. Hardware 130points effective resolution, . Complete with four Stainless steel jars 2mm dia.

Suitable for rolling two 2mm dia. It is optimised to prevent any overheating effects even under intensive use and severe working conditions. A special flow control valve allows the rate of . This machine is used for the flexural strength determination of cement specimens 40.

Focused on test equipment for manufacturing drive units, power electronics, and body assemblies. The machine is designed to accept . This team concentrates specifically on mechanical, controls , and robotics elements of capital equipment for our production lines around the world. This is an exciting opportunity to build world class manufacturing facilities right .

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