Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Bps research digest

At least one new psychology study digested every weekday. Published by the British Psychological Society. To show how fascinating and useful it can be, we digest at least one new psychology study for you every weekday.

By guest blogger Bradley Busch. Posts about Educational written by BPS Research Digest.

Keeping you up-to-date with the latest psychology research.

A new psych study digested for you every weekday, from the British Psychological Society.

To help realise this aim, we not only publish journals but also facilitate free and discounted access to journals and journal articles for . Learning more about yourself could help you better understand others. The intervention used in this research was . Children of today are better at delaying gratification than previous generations. If you believed the copious alarmist . New evidence shows the calming power of reminiscing about happy times. Perhaps teens are too cynical to benefit from mindfulness, say authors of latest negative school trial. Music teachers and students fall for music-related neuromyths – German study.

The left and right hemispheres of the brain. The Psychology of Sex Differences – Revealing Insights From Our Primate Cousins. There are behavioural differences, . Critical thinking skills are more important than IQ for making good decisions in life. The Research Digest from the British Psychological Society: A new psychology study digested. Pretending to be Batman helps kids stay on task.

Rude awakening: Witnessing morning incivility darkens your experience of the whole day. Want to stay up-to-date with the latest psychology research? New review punctures the myth that now is three seconds long. Increase the meaningfulness of your work by considering how it helps others.

Small acts of kindness at work benefit the giver, the receiver and the whole organisation. In the lab, psychologists have shown .

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