Thursday, 10 November 2016

Point load test procedure

Point load testing is used to determine rock strength indexes in geotechnical practice. In order to estimate uniaxial compressive strength, index-to-strength conversion factors are used. Mechanics - Commission on Testing Methods – Working Group on Revision of the Point.

Determination of the point load strength of rock specimens. The test procedure is as follows: (a).

Record the type of test being carried out.

The Norwegian Institute of Technology,.

These tests had previously been used mainly for research, so it was trecessary to evolve testing procedures suitable for routine . Three point load test configurations are used depending on the available rock specimens: Diametrical – Axial – Irregular lump. This test method covers the guidelines, requirements, and procedures for determining the point load strength index of rock. The diametral test is conducted on rock core sample.

Minimum of test specimens are required to find out the average value of point load strength index. The unconfined compression test, the conventional method of obtaining the strength of rock, is slow and expensive, requiring laboratory personnel and equipment to perform. Measure the total length (l) and . A graduated scale is fixed on the frame and indicates the specimen diameter.

Using this mode, the manometer takes. In order to avoid projection of rock pieces at the moment of failure, a transparent plastic shiel which fits over the top of the tester, is provided. A fast and convenient way to estimate the strength and fracture toughness of an ore. The Point Load Index can be used to simultaneously characterise rock for blastability and comminution processes. The load required obtaining the failure of the sample and the distance between the conical points before and after the test is then measured.

The distance between the points must be . Destructive testing of solar mount to roof assembly. The procedure for measuring this rock strength has been standardized by both the International. The method is time consuming and expensive. Indirect tests such as Point Load Index (Is(50)) are used to predict the UCS.

Mechanics (ISRM) suggested methods in the same year. Procedure : Diametral test : 1.

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