Tuesday, 15 November 2016

P3 international

PInternational is your premium source for Energy Savers, Animal Chasers, Solar Home Products, and more. Free Shipping on all orders over $in the contiguous states. For the last twenty five years we have strived to . Now you can cut down on costs and find out what appliances are actually worth keeping plugged in.

Save money, by saving electricity.

Penergy savers allow you to monitor the power consumption in you homes to help reduce your energy usage.

Tools and Home Improvement Store is an ideal spot for campers, carpenters, contractors, craft enthusiasts, electricians, home-owners, plumbers, tree-trimmers, woodworkers, and those who just want to restock or expand their tool collection or start some .

The ideal solution to operate your hidden electronics from plain view using your existing remotes. The amazingly small Mini Hygro- Thermometer is essential anywhere temperature and humidity are important to monitor. Its easy to read LCD constantly displays . Solar thermometers, solar gopher chasers, and more.

Below are links to the most common questions our customers have about our . Peace of mind in the palm of your hand! The easy to use Camera Detector is so small it can be carried or stored anywhere. Discreet sweeps of the home, office . Now, you can monitor your power consumption remotely. Simply plug in the wireless sensor along with the item(s ) you wish to check and it will transmit data to . CHARGER is the simple, elegant new way to charge all your things. Slim and lightweight, you can carry it with you anywhere you . Heavy Duty Programmable 7-Day Timer Take control of your electronics and appliances.

The Animal Chaser keeps unwelcome guests from your property. When an animal enters the large area covered by the infrared sensor, . Is lack of privacy bugging you? Use our full-featured rain gauge to stay informed about rainfall in your area. This digital, self-emptying rain gauge features an easy to read LCD readout which . Typical Home Installation Stop energy hogging TVs . Simply attach between the faucet and hose and the easy to read meter shows you . Bring the future of cleaning into your home.

Using its smart programming to move about on its own, our Robotic Vacuum gets in and out of the tightest places to . Our ITCH Soother uses heat to reduce the irritation and swelling associated with mosquito bites.

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