Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Advantages of microwave remote sensing

A major advantages of passive microwave remote sensing is that microwave radiation can penetrate through cloud cover, rain and dust. It can also acquired during the day or the night. A major disadvantage to passive microwave remote sensing is that the energy level being emitted is quite low.

All weather except during periods of heavy rain. Complementary information to that in optical and IR regions.

Data are difficult to interpret.

Coarse resolution except for SAR.

The advantage of satellite sensing is that it is over large areas and area averaged. Because of their long wavelengths, compared to the visible and infrare microwaves have special properties that are important for remote sensing. As with passive microwave sensing, a major advantage of radar is the capability of the radiation to penetrate through cloud cover and most weather . Optical remote sensing is being used very successfully in various applications related to earth resources studies and monitoring of the . In addition, microwave remote sensing provides unique information on for example, sea wind and wave direction, which are derived from frequency characteristics,. Doppler effect, polarization, back . Weather independent: artificial microwave radiation can penetrate clouds, light rain and snow. The pulse power is mostly low and can be influenced or interfered by other radiation sources.

Sunlight independent: can be operated day and night. Radar penetrates vegetation and soil: can gain . It is necessary to objectively and reasonably have an analysis of the advantage and shortcoming of Radar RS for agricultural application. APPLICATION OF REMOTE SENSING AND GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Date: INSTRUCTOR DR.

The disadvantage of the optical data is cloud effected. Advantages and disadvantages of satellite remote sensing advantages. It is become considerable in establishing land cover map in cloudy covered areas.

An agricultural land use classification of Oltrepo' Pavese region (in Northern Italy) is performed through integration of remote sensing data from optical and radar sensors. Microwave remote sensing data is not effected by cloud but effected by the relief, so that the combination of radar . The most common active sensor used in remote sensing is “radar”. It operates in the microwave and radio wavelength regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Active microwave energy penetrates clouds and can be an all- weather remote sensing system all-weather remote sensing system. Synoptic views of large areas, for mapping at 1:20to.

Remote Sensing of the Environment. MHz to 3GHz is called microwave frequency. Microwave frequency is used for various application like communication, Navigation satellite, remote sensing etc.

Positives: As signal energy is directly proportional and.

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