Thursday, 22 September 2016

Seagull removal

Seagull Control – Egg and Nest Removal Guide. Bird Control Sussex offer specialist professional birds pest control products and services in Sussex, London and throught the UK. Advice about the gull problem in Bristol. Environmental Health, Pest Control.

In the Bristol area, there are two species of gulls nesting on buildings: the Herring Gull, and the.

These birds can cause problems including noise, mess from droppings and fouling roofs, walls, windows, gardens, people .

YOU CAN however take some steps such as bird deterrents and nest removal.

Wee Critters Pest Control Edinburgh are here to help with the removal of seagull nests from your home or office. Rare and threatened species have special protection. Many actions against birds, eggs and nests are illegal. It is illegal to capture, injure or destroy any wild bird or interfere with its nest or eggs. These birds show high degree of adaptability thanks to their scavenger nature and generally can drink fresh as well as salt water.

Natural Englan can nests and eggs be removed from affected . You are strongly advised not to feed the seagulls as this will not only increase the seagull population but will also cause unnecessary annoyance to neighbours. From we are able to issue fixed penalty notices to anyone deliberately feeding gulls on the beaches and esplanades. For further information please see . Just removing nests will not solve the problem on its own.

The birds will build another nest the following spring. The herring gulls must be discouraged from coming back. This can be done by fitting plastic or metal spikes in the nesting and roosting areas of the roof. Wires or netting can also be effective, but . Upsetting their nests may also further discourage them.

Under this Act birds cannot be taken, killed or their nests or eggs removed except under licence. Please note that if OCS is not able to do the work as it means removing floor boards or walls etc, or there is an issue which requires going passed cables etc, the. We receive many complaints about seagulls especially in the summer. The leaflet below provides information on how to reduce the problem and how .

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