Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Transformer winding insulation material

The fibrous raw materials are obtained from plants including cotton, hemp, manila, straw, and coniferous trees. Craft insulating paper of medium air permeability” is used in layer winding insulation , condenser core of oil . Such insulation systems may be conceived according to different basic principles. ABB power transformers are medium and large oil-immersed . ABB insulation paper is made from pure cellulose, which has very good mechanical strength, oil absorption and electrical resistance.

Its high chemical purity means paper is an extremely good insulation material for electrical machines impregnated with resin, capacitors impregnated with oil or resin and particularly oil-filled .

Electric Grade insulating paper i.

Kraft insulating paper of medium air permeability. The transformer performs the following two functions. It provides insulation in combination with the insulating materials used in the conductors and coils. The material interleaved between successive layers of an insulated conductor in the same winding.

Transformer makes use of hydrocarbon mineral oil. For low voltage winding mostly the inter layer insulation used is thicker than the requirement so far as electrical stress is considered due to requirement of adequate mechanical strength. Voltage distribution of the entire winding is . KREMPEL offers suitable materials for all insulation applications in dry transformers.

We develop and produce insulation materials , components and systems and advise our customers in all aspects of transformer . Support the windings during short. Power transformer winding kits. The conducting material used for the winding depends upon the application. Small power transformers are wound with solid copper wire, insulated usually with enamel. Larger power transformers may be wound with wire, copper, or aluminum rectangular conductors.

The use of paper board as electrical insulation paper started in the early-mid 20th century. An important material used in their construction is electrical steel. To minimize the energy loss associated with this process, special types of iron-silicon alloy known as electrical steel are used to make the core. Our wide array of solutions include minor and major insulation materials for groun layer, interwinding and conductor wrap applications with many UL electrical . The Siemens test laboratory for transformer can analyze solid insulating materials.

Important details of materials selection, as well as drying, clamping and oil impregnation procedures required to achieve short- circuit resistant windings are explained. Calculation method for power transformer clamping rings made from laminated insulating materials. The electrical insulation system for wires used in generators, electric motors, transformers , and other wire-wound electrical components is divided into different classes by temperature and temperature rise. The insulation system is the deciding factor when it comes to the functioning and useful life of high-voltage machines, oil transformers , dry transformers and motors . In the transformer shown in the cutaway view in figure 5- the primary consists of many turns of relatively small wire.

The wire is coated with varnish so that each turn of the winding is insulated from every other turn.

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