Monday, 6 June 2016

Oscilloscope films

KEDI IS NOW PLAYING IN THEATERS CONTEMPORARY COLOR OPENS IN THEATERS MARCH 1ST THE FITS IS NOW ON BLU-RAY LOST IN PARIS KEDI IS NOW PLAYING IN THEATERS CONTEMPORARY COLOR OPENS IN THEATERS MARCH 1ST THE FITS IS NOW ON BLU-RAY LOST IN PARIS. OSCILLOSCOPE PICTURES is an NYC-based feature film distribution company. We distribute unique, independently produced films in theaters, on TV, DV internationally, and via osmosis. Check back soon for more info about folding time and space.

The brains of the three heads are designed to think uniquely.

While O- SCOPE PICTURES is thinking about distributing films, O-SCOPE PRODUCTIONS is thinking about making films, and the third head is mostly thinking about making .

The following writings are wholly the creations of their respective writers.

We hope you enjoy and we hope you come back. Oscilloscope has not edited or altered the content in any way, shape, or form. We Need to Talk About Kevin, Osci. May It Last: A Portait of The Avett Brothers. The company releases films on all platforms, including theatrically, digitally, and on DVD.

A film that takes dance as seriously as its protagonists and indee POLINA contains several beautifully poetic moments that involve choreographed bodies against gorgeous backdrops. Boyd van Hoeij, THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER . Kedi ” was produced by Torun and Charlie Wuppermann through . Musings: original, independent, quality film writing from journalists you know and trust. Join our fun, non-spammy mailing list for the latest O-Scope dispatches and exclusive content. In her gothic Victorian apartment she makes spells and potions, and then picks up men and seduces them. When she finally meets the man of her dreams, . Hundreds of thousands of cats roam the metropolis of Istanbul freely.

Celebrating years of the New York based independent film distributor that has helped to change the face of art house movie releasing. Indianapolis has one of the lowest high school graduation rates in the country. For adult learners Greg, Melissa and Shynika, finally earning their high scho.

They produce through their Courage Mon Amour Films, . Indie” is one of those words that gets thrown around with far too much frequency —what does it mean to be an “indie label” or an “indie production house”? Yauch saw the correlation between film .

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