Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Modular series on solid state devices

The second edition has been refined to improve pedagogical . This book presents those terms, concepts, equations, and models that are routinely used in describing the operational behavior of solid state devices. Pulls together all the relevant concepts in this field. This introductory book assumes minimal knowledge of the existence of integrated circuits and of the terminal behavior of electronic . Supplemental References ( PSD and SDF).

PSD is an encyclopedic reference that .


By incorporating computer-based exercises and homework . Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, 2nd Ed. Solid State Electronic Devices - International Edition Paperback. Field Effect Devices: Volume IV (2nd Edition). Characterization and modeling of second breakdown in. Microelectronic Circuits (The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering) 7th edition.

The interrelationship between material properties, fabrication techniques and device performance. Lundstrom is known for his contributions to the theory, modeling, and understanding of nanoscale transistors. Title: Fundamentals of Solid-State Electronics. Advanced semiconductor fundamentals. Imprint: Upper Saddle River, N. Physical description: x, 2p.

Series: Modular series on solid state devices v. Module 7—Introduction to Solid - State. The book provides detailed insight into the internal workings of “building block” device structures and systematically . Many students found this series to be very helpful. Muller and Kamins, Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 2nd Edition, Wiley. It is written in clear language.

Lecture 8: Effect of periodic potential, Origin of band-gap through Kronig-Penny model. Prerequisites: Prerequisites will be strictly enforced. Course Description: Topics include: modeling of .

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