Thursday, 9 June 2016

Dc characteristics of led and pin photodiode

A cased LED source is provided for this purpose. Of the semiconductor based photodetectors the photodiode is used almost exclusively for fiber optic systems because of its small size, suitable material, high sensitivity, and fast response time. The two types of photodiodes used are the pin photodetector and the avalanche photodiode.

Light Dependent Resistor( LDR) is . Silicon photodiodes are semiconductor devices responsive to high- energy particles and photons.

The diode design has some design trade-offs.

Photodiode Characteristics and Applications.

Increasing the dimensions of the intrinsic region (and its stored charge) allows the diode to look like a . The types of the photodiodes can be classified based on its construction and functions as follows. These diodes are widely used in the applications where the detection of the presence of light, color, position, intensity is required. There are mainly three types of photo diodes. Normal PN junction photo diode is used in low frequency and low sensitive applications.

When high frequency of operation and high sensitivity is needed avalanche photo diode or PIN photo diodes are used. DC characteristics of LED and PIN Photo Diode. Mode Characteristics of Fibers 3. Measurement of Connector and Bending Losses. Fiber Optic Analog and Digital Link 5. Numerical Aperture Determination for Fibers 6. Switch (sw1) ON the LED Module and Multi meter.

Connect Pand Ptest point, Pand Ptest point using patch chord in LED module. Vary the DC Source at maximum position. The design of the PIN-diode has some design tradeoffs. It harmfully affects the time required to . The maximum DC current should be listed in the data.

It may last 100hours at 5mA, 10hours at. The reverse voltage is very low . While the p-n diodes are insufficient detectors for fiber optic systems, both PIN photodiodes and avalanche photodiode (APDs) are designed to compensate for the. The output voltage Vout from DC.

LED is forward biase its current increases rapidly and must be controlled to prevent destruction of the device. The photodetectors which are used in these systems are : - PN junction photodiodes. The PIN diode resistance is governed by the DC bias applied.

In this way it is possible to use the device as an effective RF switch or variable resistor for an attenuator producing far less distortion than ordinary PN junction diodes. DC Characteristics of LED and PIN Photo diode.

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