Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Mxg signal generator

MXG and EXG X-Series RF and microwave signal generators and UXG agile signal generator for EW test with frequency coverage to GHz. Simulate real-world signals with real-time capabilities with Signal Studio software. There are several methods for connecting the signal generator to the PC.

Because of our continuing efforts to improve our products through firmware and hardware revisions, signal generator design and operation may . Notice: This document contains references to Agilent.

Modifying the Signal Generator Configuration.

Baseband generator and channel emulator1.

The specifications include measurement uncertainty. Data represented in this document are specifications unless otherwise noted. For more information about the express MXG , see the. To install the license file in your signal generator , follow one of the procedures below.

MXG X-Series Signal Generator Upgrade Tables. Select from the models listed below to learn more about the instrument upgrades. Guide, and to the SCPI Command Reference. This configuration guide will help you determine which performance options, software applications, accessories, and services to include with your new MXG or to add as upgrades to an existing MXG. ARF Assembly Upgrade for Expanded License Key Upgradeability.

For the latest revision of this installation note, go to the following. This step-by-step process will help you configure your MXG signal generator and choose options to meet your requirements. For detailed specifications, refer to the MXG . Hz to GHz and multipliers up to 1. Also provides automatic data formatting and playing back sequences of arbitrary waveform samples. Keysight Microwave Signal Generators. Resource page includes download and installation instructions . If an error condition occurs in the signal generator , it is reported to both the front panel display error queue and the SCPI (remote interface) error queue.

These two queues are viewed and managed separately. When there is an unviewed message in the front panel error queue, the ERR annunciator appears on the .

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