Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Laser technology ppt

Other spectroscopic techniques based on lasers can be used to make extremely sensitive detectors of various molecules, able to measure molecular concentrations in the parts-per-trillion ( ppt ) level. Due to the high power densities achievable by lasers , beam-induced atomic emission is possible: this . Production of green laser Green Gap Problem Solution to Problem 5) Applications in detail. Mechanical Engineering Department.

Excimer laser atherectomy (ELA):.

The last direction of the research is the most closely related with the Space, namely with SATELLITE LASER RANGING (SLR).

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Selected slides from course of lectures. Applications of the Quantum Model Laser Technology the first laser was produced microwave radiation and was developed by Charles Townes using. Institute on Laser and Information Technologies. Electromagnetic Spectrum The emission of light is fundamentally related to the behavior of electrons.

Lasers are important tool in our everyday lives and is applied to more and more everyday things as . Lighting the Way to Nano- Technology through Innovation”. International Joint Research Center. Nanophotonics and Biophotonics: Meeting the st. Another remarkable feature of laser is the concentration of its energy to extremely high intensities, the intensity remaining . Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). Laser anemometry, or laser velocimetry, refers to any technique that uses lasers to measure velocity.

More recently, laser illumination by light sheets is used to make global flow measurements and is referred to as particle image velocimetry ( PIV). The technology has numerous advantages over other techniques. Drag-free technology (including sensors and micro-thrusters), charge management system, thermal diagonostic and thermal control, and laser optics are the technology common to all.

Time delay interferometry is the technology common to LISA and ASTROD. Laser metrology is the technology common to DECIGO and . Laser technology is already well established in manufacturing. Materials processing with lasers covers many techniques.

Surface patterning and processing.

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