Friday, 22 April 2016

Chirped fiber bragg grating

Abstract: In this paper we are presenting the design and simulation of high sensing Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating with high reflectivity using Simulation software. For increasing the sensitivity of the Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating , we are changing the designing parameters of Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating for methane gas. Numerical investigation of spectral properties of nonlinearly chirped grating under strain is made.

Calculation is performed using Matlab code based on solving the coupled mode equations using transfer matrix method. Our findings show that, by optimizing the linear and higher-order nonlinear chirp coefficients, the .

A low resolution demonstrator is constructed with single surface scans containing 1resolvable spots.

The system dynamic range meets that shown in .

These methods enable the inscription of gratings with flexible period profiles and thus tailored reflection and dispersion characteristics in non-photosensitive optical fibers. This technique exploits the well- known property of linearly-chirped gratings, in which the apodization. Both chirped gratings are written in counter-directional chirp configuration, where chirps resulting from the optical fiber taper profile and linearly increasing grating . Abstract—In this paper, a continuously variable delay line for phased array antennas is presented.

Continuous true time delay can be achieved by changing the temperature or strain along the. We achieved 2–10-ps nmcompensation over. Temperature-Insensitive Tilt Sensor With. Bragg gratings (CFBGs) for sensing and communication applica- tions is presented. Strain- Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings.

Xinyong Dong, Chunlei Zhan, Kun Hu, Ping Shum, Member, IEEE, and Chi Chiu Chan, Member, IEEE. Wang Y, Zhang J, Coutinho O, Yao J. The linear half-open cavity configuration is successful in obtaining multiwavelength random fiber laser with. The notch reflectivity (- dB to -dB) and bandwidth ( nm. nm) are tuned by an electrical signal.

The reduction of the modulator size and the grating length, compared to previous works with . Photonic Generation of Chirped Microwave Pulses Using Superimposed Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings. Abstract: A novel approach to generating linearly chirped microwave pulses in the optical domain based on spectral shaping and linear frequency-to-time mapping is proposed and experimentally . Abstract: Among several innovative procedures used in the fight against cancers, thermal treatments are gaining acceptance in clinical settings. In these approaches, heat is used to damage cancer cells. Group-Delay-Tailored Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings.

Jaejoong Kwon, Seungwhan Chung, Yoonchan Jeong, Member, IEEE, and Byoungho Lee, Senior Member, IEEE. The grating pitch could be varied to give positive or negative . In this structure, the regular chirped FBG (CFBG) that functions as reflecting mirror in the FP cavity is replaced by CSFBG, which is realized by chirping the sampling periods of a .

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