Monday, 14 March 2016

Seagull dance

These Seagulls have figured out that if they tap their feet long enough it will attract worms that think it's raining. I think this seagull has got an identity crisis. This seagull was dancing for its dinner for about minutes.

We had tme to go home get the camcorder and come back before it finished. Presumably tapping its feet imitates rain and will bring worms to the surface.

Aberdeen has experienced the vast numbers of seagulls in the city.

Many have encountered their wrath, whether it is stealing your sandwich or dive bombing you whilst walking along the beach.

Being on the coast Aberdeen is inundated with rather large and confident . I recorded this in the morning on holiday. My cat love to watch dancing birds. The tap dancing seagull from Wales with added music for extra comedic effect.

Seagulls thump to distract the earth worms with other insect from the soil and grass to eat them. However, for most of the folks here in Scotland are these amazing creatures quite unwelcome. Oh Boy, Happy Feet for real yo.

You got to see this to believe this, Woaw This is not my vid. Tony the ring-billed seagull has no problem showing off his smooth dance moves on command. Watch as he shows off his best Fred Astaire impression. The bird can be seen appearing to tap- dance on command.

Seagulls are intelligent creatures, noone can deny that after seing this film. Looked out the window and saw these two Seagulls. The Chicken Dance: VINCI Preview - Duration: 1:16. Seagull - Dancing Feets - Århus - Duration: 3:02. Michael Flatfeet the amazing Irish dancing seagull ! I have noticed that there are some similar vids of gulls dancing reels.

Мы хотим найти как можно больше друзей. Ones turn right hands, cast one place, turn left hands and cast. Tinbergens four questions that are asked of any animal behaviour can be applied to the observed behaviour of the seagull dance. The cause of this “ dancing” behaviour could be attributed to periods of rain in which .

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