Friday, 19 February 2016

Fiber cleaver

Available for either single fiber or ribbon splicing (up to fiber ribbons) applications, the CT-cleavers are compatible with all AFL fusion splicers. Thorlabs offers the S90R ruby-tipped scribe, the CSW12-ceramic scribe, and the XL4suspension cleaver as solutions for easy, manual cleaving of fibers. The S90R ruby-tipped wedge scribe can be used for easy scribing of excess fiber from ferrules in the connectorization process. FIS LYNX Precision Cleaver with Fiber Basket.

Buy SainSmart FC-6S Optical Fiber Cleaver for SUMITOMO: Fiber Optic Products - Amazon.

The CSW12-ceramic scribes are .

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If to be disposed of, the cleaver should be discarded as noncombustible material. The Model F-BKFiber Optic Cleaver offers precise end face quality with clean edges and very little angle, free of lips, chips or hackle for better splice performance. The diamond edge provides over 40cleaves without replacement. It is an excellent choice for portability and ease of use.

A typical F- BKcleave is clean, . The Model FKElectronic Fiber Cleaver , enables every cleave substantially less than one degree. A stripped fiber is placed in specially designed low torsion V-groove clamps. Cleaving is then initiated by releasing another lever. Designed for cleaving single fibers only, this cleaver is best suited for the installation of field installable connectors and mechanical splices.

Minimum 3mm cleave is possible by up to 400mm fiber coating, while the coating to be clamped. The fiber holder is made for 2overall size fiber. The rugged yet scaled-down design . In terms of price, this fiber optic cleaver beats them all! The LYNX Precision Fiber Optic Cleaver provides the clean, accurate cleaves that are essential for fiber optic fusion splicing.

The trend has been to introduce new technologies into the design of fiber cable, which has resulted in the fiber being more sensitive to cleaving, says Greg Pickeral, product manager of fusion splicing systems, AFL . Algled cleaving is available, up to 15degrees. Fiber holder adapter (Option) for fusion splicer FSM-100-xxx, are available. SAE Technologies designs and manufactures the most advance high performance large diameter fiber cleavers in the world.

Our products are specifically designed for the cleaving of fibers ranging from 80um up to 2mm in diameter and are compatible with shaped fibers, polarization maintaining . Sumitomo manufactures Fiber Cleavers and tools for any environment, offering high precision, hand-hel angle and one-step cleavers.

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