Thursday, 28 January 2016

Whispering gallery mode resonator

Optical resonators form an integral part of lasers and many other photonic devices. The previous chapter introduces biosensor technologies according to the physical nature of their signal transduction processes. Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators as.

Resonant phenomena in cavities, be they acoustic, optical, mechanical, or oth- erwise, are frequently dependent on the precise geometric properties, such as size, shape, and composition, of the supporting structure. Accordingly, such resonances are often termed .

Abstract—We review photonic applications of dielectric whispering - gallery mode (WGM) resonators —tracing the growth of the technology from experiments with levitating droplets of aerosols to ultrahigh-Q solid state crystalline and integrated on- chip microresonators.

Index Terms—Four-wave mixing (FWM), high-order .

Applications in Optical Communication and. Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. University of California at Berkeley. We propose theoretically and demonstrate experimentally white-light whispering gallery mode resonators.

An unprecedented study of both the amplitude and phase of THz . Abstract—We briefly review basic properties of dielectric whis- pering gallery mode resonators that are important for applications of the resonators in optics and . Through theoretical modeling and experimental demonstration, we analyze this vertically . We demonstrate that due to narrow bandwidth of . The direction of the ferromagnetic moment tunes both the resonant frequency via the Voigt effect as well as the degree of polarization rotation via the Faraday . We report on coupling of two whispering gallery mode resonators in the Terahertz frequency range. Due to the long wavelength in the millimeter to submillimeter range, the resonators can be macroscopic allowing for accurate size and shape control. This is necessary to couple specific modes of two or more resonators. Identifying the mode numbers in whispering - gallery mode resonators (WGMRs) is important for tailoring them to experimental needs.

By applying optical whispering - gallery - mode resonators , semiconductor lasers with linewidths as low as 0. A 3D micro-printing technology. Arrays of on-chip spherical glass shells of hundreds of micrometers in diameter with ultra-smooth surfaces and sub-micrometer wall thicknesses have been fabricated and have been shown to sustain optical resonance modes with high Q -factors of greater than million. The resonators exhibit temperature . The scattering is observed due to . Two externally excited modes couple due to Kerr nonlinearity to initially empty modes and give rise to new frequency components. This thresholdless process is much more efficient than the . The effect of hydrostatic pressure on solid and hollow microsphere optical resonators was investigated. Dzmitry Melnikau, Diana Savateeva, Andrey Chuvilin, Rainer Hillenbran and Yury P. Indexing terms: Microwave oscillators, Dielectric resonators.

A set of metallic lines are deposited directly on the top of the sapphire disk. A capacitive-gap transduced micromechanical resonator design based on an acoustic whispering gallery mode (WGM) constructed in micro-crystalline diamond ha.

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