Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Pulsed led light source

Known for their stability and fast warm-up, LEDs are ideal for fluorescence spectroscopy and many other . Fiber-coupled LED light sources are ideal for fluorescence spectroscopy and general fiber illumination applications. The innovative optical design of the LLS family enables highly efficient coupling into an optical fiber. Proprietary electronics provide stable, high-current operation in continuous or external trigger modes and . The pulsed LEDs of the PLS Series are the fastest miniature sub-nanosecond pulsed LED sources commercially available.

The LEDs of the PLS Series are the only available compact pulsed light sources that emit directly in the ultraviolet spectral range at wavelengths as short as 2nm.

The picosecond pulsed sources are either laser diode based or LED based devices that can be operated at variable, user-adjustable repetition rates up to MHz.

Power levels vary between µW and hundreds of mW for the most powerful, . Lamp, LED , Laser diode, Applied light source product, etc. UV- LED light sources (Spot irradiation)(2). This reduces costly down time from having shut. Picosecond level pulsed laser to be used for evaluation of fiber optics and detectors.

Available wavelengths cover the range . Optical pulses as short as 70ps can be generated at repetition rates up to 1MHz. The NanoLED package consists of . LEDs (light emitting diodes) are available at wavelengths from UV to Red and with pulsed average power outputs of up to 0. The LS-4Blue LED Pulsed Light Source is an LED that produces either pulsed or continuous output at 470. These sources are ideal for TCSPC applications. New LED heads are always under development—contact HORIBA Scientific for other wavelengths. Peak wavelength Pulse width Typical . It produces continuous or pulsed spectral output at different wavelengths.

Some standard excitation wavelengths are shown in the table on this page, but other wavelengths are available upon request. When connected to your AvaSpec spectrometer through the IC-DB26-cable (sold separately), the flashes are synchronized with the data collected by the spectrometer. In AvaSoft the number of flashes per scan can be . High power visible light emitting diodes as pulsed excitation sources for biomedical photoacoustics.

Currently, the most common method for the white- light LED fabrication in industrials is the use of the gallium nitride (GaN) based blue LEDs to pump yellow phosphors. Phosphor-based white- light LEDs provide the high efficiency light emission performance and are usually employed as the backlight source .

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