Thursday, 19 November 2015

Center for integrated nanotechnologies

One Scientific Community Focused on Nanoscience Integration. Job Opportunities (CINT positions at LANL) Click on this link, enter the keyword “CINT” in the Basic Job Search box and then Search. The CINT focuses on exploring the path from scientific discovery to the integration of nanostructures into the micro and macro-worlds.

To learn more about CINT, or to browse the main CINT site, please click here. CINT provides access to capabilities and scientific expertise.

Together, CINT users and staff are establishing the scientific principles that govern the design .

Our staff is organized by scientific thrust area.

CINT Scientists work with CINT Users and also lead original research related to . CINT Experimental Capabilities: Characterization. Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies. Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Distinguished Norman Hascoe Lecture, U. Carty and Francq were invited and hosted by CINT Chief Scientist Dr. Entry into all other areas of the CINT Core. The distinguishing characteristic of CINT is its emphasis on exploring the path from scientific discovery to the integration of nanostructures into the micro and . These videos feature the exemplary science and technology that come from the CINT staff and collaborations with host lab and external users. Satellite Event: Joint NSRC Workshop on Soft Matter September . LANL institutional centers strengthen the collective capacity and effectiveness of the Laboratory and its partners in making major advances in basic research.

Publications should credit the facility for any work performed at CINT. Present Adjunct Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. Towards an Integrated Microneedle Total Analysis Chip for Protein Detection”, Philip Miller, Matthew Moorman, Ron Manginell, Carlee Ashlee, Igal Brener,.

Sandia research could improve defense electronics, electric vehicles, grids. Government agencies everywhere look to us to solve difficult issues in areas like biothreats, physics, green technology, and nuclear stockpile stewardship. Associate (Technology Transfer Professional 2).

They took their positions July 17.

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