Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Laser technology definition

Laser technology , definition , applications, and challenges. The term laser originated as an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Laser mediuA material or substance of soli liqui or gaseous nature that is capable of producing laser light . The definition of laser technology is the study of lasers and their uses.

An example of laser technology is the study of how to use lasers for surgery.

Find out information about Laser Technology.

Solid-state and gas pulsed and continuous-wave lasers are used.

Explanation of Laser Technology. Get information, facts, and pictures about Laser Technology at Encyclopedia. Make research projects and school reports about Laser Technology easy with credible articles from our FREE, online encyclopedia and dictionary. A mixture of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and helium produces IR output. Lasers are one of the most significant inventions developed during the20th century.

Not too long ago laser technology was not seriously . Laser devices find many applications in areas like manufacturing, medicine, metrology, data storage, communications, displays, spectroscopy, microscopy. Most light sources emit incoherent light, where the phase varies randomly. Among the other effects, this means . Optical electronic device that generates an intense (very narrow) beam of single color (monochromatic) light by pumping (amplifying) photons. Our glossary of photonics terms is based on the definitions in the encyclopedia articles.

Although this original meaning denotes an principle of operation (exploiting stimulated emission from excited atoms or ions), the term is now mostly used for devices generating light based on the laser principle. More specifically, one usually means laser oscillators, but sometimes also includes devices with laser amplifiers. Laser beams are often close to Gaussian beams, where the transverse profile of the . Definition : lasers emitting light in the form of pulses.

In general physics, the fluence is defined as the time-integrated flux of some radiation or particle stream. In the same way as an optical intensity, the fluence is . Laser physics is the field of physics dealing with phenomena in lasers. It is essential for developing and optimizing laser devices. They use considerably less energy in the laser , typically on the order of one microjoule, and are often eye-safe, meaning they can .

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