Thursday, 22 October 2015

Atlas n scale track layouts

N scale is the second most popular model railroad scale in the United States. The scale ratio is 1:160th of the actual thing. I used Atlas Right Track software to design them. To Purchase one of these layouts , please visit your local hobby store or go to our Store.

Click on an image below for more information about the layout.

With tie spacing matching US prototype, mottled highlights and dark brown ties and simulated ballast roadbe the first six items in this line are sure to please those to appreciate maximum realism on their layout.

Atlas track and switches are made from quality, injection-molded plastic and nickel silver rail so that you can be sure the layout you build will be reliable.

Model TrainsToy TrainsModel Train Layouts Railroad Tracks Dog BonesTrain InfoHobby SuppliesScale ModelsLight Rail. N Scale Dog Bones and Branchline Model Railroad Track Plan : N Scale Dog Bones - A Longer Mainline with Added Features . Total of pieces of Atlas N - gauge track. This little pike has intriguing possibilities. N - Scale Unitrack Track Plans . Please note that Kato USA cannot provide individual support for these plans and they are supplied as examples only! Due to the age of some of the plans , some may reference out of production or discontinued track items or old pricing information.

We apologize for any confusion this may . BROWSE OUR CATALOG FOR HO SCALE TRACK INCLUDING HO SCALE CODE 1LAYOUT PACKAGES PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FROM ATLASRR . At some point early in the design, you might even have an idea of what industry, perio or area you want to model. When it comes to reality, though, all layouts are compromises of some . A nice representation of the original Atlas track plan created in SCARM by Ian Donohoe with some modifications and additions. It has many details and custom- created objects and is suitable for running of short passenger and freight trains.

Search for track plans by size, scale, type and issue where it first appeared. These layouts include all the track , switch controls, connectors, track block controllers, and selectors needed to create the selected Atlas layout. To place your order at our online store, click here.

This fine track is our most popular product and is known worldwide for its versatility an of course, flexibility. Atlas , patented the innovation, which remains unparalleled to this .

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