Wednesday, 5 August 2015

What is dwdm technology ppt

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing ( DWDM ). By Ayodeji Morakinyo Bimonthly Presentation DWDM Vs TDM DWDM TDM Increase the number of wavelengths Can handle 40Gbps and above. Optical Communications (EE566). The specific limits of this technology are still unknown.

All signals arrive at the same time rather than being broken up and carried in time slots.

IEEE Communications Society, Sponsor.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Well established technology , up to 2layers. DWDM provides protocol and bit rate independence. From both technical and economic perspectives, potentially unlimited transmission capacity is the most obvious advantage of DWDM technology. This definition explains the meaning of the term dense wavelength division multiplexing ( DWDM ) and how the technology is used to put data from different sources together on an optical fiber, with each signal carried at the same time on its own separate light wavelength.

The primary difference between DWDM and CWDM is the channel spacing ( CWDM has almost 1times wider channel spacing) and the required frequency stability. Due to wider CWDM channels, the number of channels (lambdas) available on the same link is significantly reduce but the optical interface components do . This is mainly beneficial for long-haul applications. WDM technology allows multiple connections over one fiber thus reducing fiber plant requirement.

DWDM does not replace SDH, but may make it unnecessary. Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing ( CWDM) and. Use of DWDM allows providers to offer services such as e- mail, video, and multimedia carried as Internet protocol (IP) data over asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) and voice.

DWDM also gives service providers the flexibility to expand capacity in any portion of their networks—an advantage no other technology can offer. DWDM vs CWDM Definition of wavelength division multiplexing Early fiber optic transmission systems put information onto strands of glass through simple pulses of light. A light was flashed on and off to represent the “ones” and “zeros” of digital information.

Problem - What happens when there is fiber fault on an active DWDM network? SGis responsible for the development of standards on: home network and power utility network infrastructures. Advantages of fiber links backbones. Geoff Bennett: Director, Solutions and Technology. A Review of High-Speed Coherent Transmission Technologies for Long-Haul DWDM Transmission at 100G and Beyond.

DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien. Transport Network Architect, GÉANT .

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