Monday, 20 July 2015

Do 160 testing

It is published by the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA). E, F, and G, “ Environmental Conditions. Initiated by: AIR-1and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment”.

What is the purpose of this Advisory Circular? This advisory circular (AC) identifies RTCA Document No.

MET is NVLAP-accredited to perform Commercial aviation testing RF Susceptibility, Conducte Radiate RF Emissions DO -1DO -254.

The course will provide an understanding of the use of DO - 160G and .

DO - 160G covers standard procedures and environmental test criteria for testing airborne . These tests are often performed in addition to EMI-related tests. Avionics environmental testing via DO-160G is mandatory for all avionics. Learn how to apply DO-160G and perform DO - 160G testing cost effectively.

DO-16 “Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment”, applies to virtually all commercial . DO - 1testing is more than simple “shake and bake”. Formerly part of Detroit Testing Laboratory, Inc. Here we will work on section 5. Kind of Equipment: ARINC 4Line Receiver.

Test Configuration: Tabletop (Tested at Vdc). Rapid decompression testing is used for equipment in pressurized areas of an aircraft that must operate in an emergency descent. All test campaigns can also be supplemented by sophisticated computer simulations, e. Element tests according to RTCA- DO - 160.

FEM and CFD simulations, to gain additional insights into the testing behaviour of the specimens. All tests comply with national and international testing standards, e. X-ES has experience performing shock and vibration testing and pre-screening. X-ES has temperature testing equipment and experience to perform testing qualification and pre-screening.

X-ES has in-house temperature testing equipment and also works with independent testing facilities.

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