Friday, 10 July 2015

Amp probe medical test

Chlamydia testing (usually nucleic acid amplification test , NAAT) is used to screen for, diagnose, and verify successful treatment of infections caused by the bacteria. Chlamydia Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT or NAT) or DNA Probe . Nucleic acid hybridization test , DNA probe test , molecular probe test . In comparison, nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) provides superior sensitivity and specificity and is now the recommended method for diagnosis in most. Crotchfelt KA, Pare B, Gaydos C, Quinn TC: Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis by the GEN- PROBE AMPLIFIED Chlamydia trachomatis Assay ( AMP CT) in urine .

Immunoassays and nonamplification DNA tests are also available for Neisseria gonorrhoeae detection, but these methods are significantly less sensitive and.

CBC (Complete Blood Count): This test evaluates the red and white blood cells and platelets for anemia, infections and other disorders.

DNA Probe (STD) Urine: This test screens for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea. GC DNA Detection - Requisition order for GC amplified probe ( LGCAMPPROB ) Chlamydia DNA Detection - Requisition order for Chlamydia amp. LCTAMPPROB ) Note This DNA test is not used for medical -legal purposes or with prepubertal children.

Equipment: Probe -tec swab collection kit (male or female) - obtain . The Gen- Probe AMPLIFIED Chlamydia Trachomatis Assay ( AMP CT) uses transcription-mediated amplification and hybridization protection assay procedures to qualitatively detect. Seminal flui mucus, lubricants, and common ointments do not appear to interfere with the assay. Target capture, transcription-mediated amplification, and dual kinetic assay. The detection of rRNA amplification product sequences (amplicon) is achieved using nucleic acid hybridization. Single-stranded chemiluminescent DNA probes are labeled and combine with amplicon to form stable RNA:DNA hybrids.

These include both nucleic acid hybridization assays and nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs). The with the in-house PCR, BD ProbeTec ET, and GenProbe TMA tests were reported correctly in 88. First- catch urine samples from patients visiting the clinics for sexually transmitted diseases of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and of the . Available data suggest that this probe test is relatively specific and provides sensitivity similar to that of the better antigen detection and cell culture methods ( 17).

Of the nonculture tests available, only nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) is recommended for routine use whereas other tests (e.g., enzyme immunoassays, nucleic acid probe tests , and genetic transformation tests ) are not recommended. The name Amprobe stands for durable tools at competitive prices. Designed to perform and proven in the workplace, Amprobe tools are built tough and priced right.

Specimens from disseminated sites of infection, such as skin, synovial flui blood , and CSF . However, organisms are labile in vitro, and precise specimen collection, transportation, and processing conditions are required to maintain organism viability, which is necessary for successful culturing.

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