Monday, 18 May 2015


Define molarization : the evolution of less specialized teeth into molars. To evolve or develop into molar teeth. Mandibular second premolars show an elevated variability of crown morphology, as are its eruptive potential and final position in the dental arch.

The aetiology of the condition is discusse and attention is drawn to the clinical significance of the fact that these anomalous premolars may mimic the first deciduous molar in the . Developing Models of Premolar Molarization in Primates.

We lactate, are homeothermic, and have hair.

We also have diverse tooth types – incisors, canines, premolars, .

Molarization of the premolars in perissodactyls is reviewed in the light of that of the milk-molars. The premolar patterns are closely related to those of the milk- molars, the closest resemblance being shown, in most forms, to the milk-molar that the premolar replaces. We show that the central cusp of lagomorphs is homologous with the metaconule of other mammals. In this paper, the degree and patterning of variation of the known A. P3s are examined and the evolutionary implications are discussed.

Closely related species are likely to experience resource competition in areas where their ranges overlap. Fossil evidence suggests that hominins in East Africa c. In Epihippm (Upper Eocene) P, is almost or quite molariform, and P, has become more complex, though its trigonid is still not molariform. Phiis molarization proceeds forwards from P, to P,. Lower milk- molars are known in four specimens of Hyracotherrurrt.

The other crest, here termed the endoprotocrista, extends less labially and more distally than the postprotocrista and does not connect to the metaconule. In some taxa, the hypocone arises from the distal end of the endoprotocrista. Thus, the endoprotocrista plays an important role in molarization of some . Molarization is completed by separation of the hypocone from the protocone and the metaconule connecting to the hypocone, involving either migration or loss of the postprotocrista.

The endoprotocrista is similar to the “Nannopithex fold” of North. Neha Mangla, 2Vineet Inder Singh Khinda, 3Shiminder Kallar, 4Gurlal Singh Brar. Postgraduate Student, 2Professor and Hea 3Reader.

Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and .

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