Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Applications of holography pdf

Recording and displaying truly three-dimensional images are only small parts of it. The current status of holography and its applications are discussed with some historical background to place the current activity in perspective. Basic types of holograms are described together with their properties.

Applications in optical image formation include photography, microscopy, image storage and image . Tha basic problem addresad by holography is introduced in both physical and mathematical terms.

The analogy betwwn the hologram of a .

Holography and its Applications.

Institute of Materials Science of Kaunas University of Technology, Savanorių av. Department of Physics, Kaunas University of Technology, Studentų str. DHM ranges from biological and biomedical applications to engineered surfaces metrology.

The development of new holography methods made it suitable for new industrial and scientific applications : printing, security and authentication, sensors, data storage, particles analysis, etc. In this Chapter we review the fundamentals of . HOEs for optical computations, free-space interconnects, and massive analog and digital memory systems. In its early days, holography required high-power expensive lasers, but nowadays, mass-produced low-cost semi-conductor or diode lasers, such as those found in millions of DVD recorders and used in other common applications , can be used to make holograms and have made holography much more accessible to . FINE ART APPLICATION OF HOLOGRAPHY : THE HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF.

LIGHT AND THE HOLOGRAM IN VISUAL. PERCEPTION AND ARTISTIC DEPICTION. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Liverpool John Moores University for the degree of Doctor of . Before we examine applications of holographic interferometry, we . Wiener-Avnear on ScienceDirect. The sixth and seventh discuss ways in which holography is being applied in the semiconductor industry. The final section briefly addresses the holographic storage of information.

BACKGROUND AND BASIC PRINCIPLES. What scientific application (s) can this instrument be used for? One of the first applications of holography was the ability to create.

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