Thursday, 5 February 2015

Spontaneous four wave mixing

It is similar to the third-order intercept point in electrical systems. We show how generation rates can . Four - wave mixing can be compared to the intermodulation distortion in standard . In the explanation above, it was assumed that four different frequency components interact via four - wave mixing. This is called non-degenerate four - wave mixing.

However, there is also the possibility of degenerate four - wave mixing , where two of the four frequencies coincide.

The effect of scattering losses in the ring is include as well as parasitic nonlinear effects including self- and cross-phase modulation.

Title: Polarization-entangled photon pair sources based on spontaneous four wave mixing assisted by polarization mode dispersion. Authors: Pisek Kultavewuti, Eric Y. Zhu, Xingxing Xing, Li Qian, Vincenzo Pusino, Marc Sorel, J. Department of Physics, University of Toronto, St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1A7. We study theoretically the generation of photon pairs by spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM) in photonic crystal optical fiber.

A detailed analysis of four - wave mixing (FWM) and its required phase-matching conditions in graded-index multimode optical fibers is presented. Raman-free correlated photon sources. Margaux Barbier, Isabelle Zaquine, Philippe Delaye.

Within the weakly guiding regime, for which the propagation modes may be . Three photonic wire cavities are side-coupled to obtain three modes equally separated in energy. The structure is designed to be . Counter-propagating spontaneous four wave mixing : photon-pair factorability and ultra-narrowband single photons. Manuscript version: Accepted Manuscript. Our theory is able to explain current experimental data. FUNDAMENTAL AREAS OF PHENOMENOLOGY ( INCLUDING APPLICATIONS).

Here, by incorporation of side-stress tracks, we produce . These expressions serve as rules of thumb in identifying reasonable parameter regimes . The effects of self- and cross-phase modulation on the photon-pair production rate and heralded photon purity are investigated.

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