Monday, 16 February 2015

Hass testing definition

Save time and money in product development using HALT and HASS testing. During the HALT process, a product is subject to increasing stress levels of . Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) and Highly Accelerated Stress Screen ( HASS ) are often used in conjunction with one another. During HALT testing the products Operating Limits are defined.

Using these Operating Limits an appropriate screen is created that can be applied during mass production.

There are many different varieties of HASS screen, though the two most common are precipitation and detection, and straight .

HALT does not help to determine or demonstrate the reliability value or failure probability in field.

Many accelerated life tests are test -to-pass, meaning they are used to demonstrate the product life or reliability. The very nature of HASS means that numbers of units will be run through the programme together. To enable the throughput to be . A type of accelerated stress testing used in production situations.

HALT definition : rigorous reliability test method to expose product weaknesses. HASS ), Highly Accelerated Stress Auditing ( HASA), Burn-In (BI), Ongoing Reliability Testing (ORT), Safety and OBA. HASStesting (Highly Accelerated Stress Screen) is an accelerated reliability screen that can reveal latent flaws not detected by ESS (Environmental Stress Screening), burn-in and other test methods. HASS Development: A process used to determine and define the appropriate HASS profile manufacturing test screen. HASS Profile: The temperature, vibration levels, SSR control, and number of cycles performed to provide an effective screen using the HASS chamber.

Hard Failure: A non-recoverable failure mode. For purposes of reliability assessment, It would be desirable to express the “acceleration factor” in terms of time duration rather than thermal cycles. Consider the following definitions : fu = Frequency of thermal . Take that same scenario but fast forward in time, what has happened to product strength?

The information contained in this paper is Qualmark proprietary information and is copyrighted. No portion may be copie modifie distributed or published without the express. HASS : Highly Accelerated Stress Screen. Functional testing will occur during this stabilization period.

Comparison to Traditional Testing. The dwell time will be determined from temperature measurements obtained from . How does it differ from traditional testing and philosophies? Definition of what HALT is and is not.

What can be gained from using this technique?

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